Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation

Links human and space
Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS) was established in May 1990 and have been involved in the operations of the “Kibo” and “KOUNOTORI”, the training of astronauts and flight controllers and the implementation of space experiments as part of the International Space Station (ISS) program ever since. We also evaluate and provide advice on safety, reliability and maintainability of hardware and software in space, and are highly acclaimed by people in the space industry who consider JAMSS to be synonymous with safety.
In response to a widespread demand, we are now providing space-based technical service to other infrastructure industries such as railway, automobile, nuclear, oil & gas as well as aerospace industries.
1. Operation and utilization support of JEM(Japanese Experiment module ”Kibo”) / ISS(International Space Station)
2. Safety and Product Assurance.
3. Utilization of satellites (such as earth observation, communication and navigation satellites)
4. Promotion of space commercial utilization.

Operation of “Kibo”
Provide support for manned space flights was the main objective envisioned for Kibo when the company was established in 1990, and currently the largest number of employees are involved.

Safety and Product Assurance
Evaluate the reliability and safety of every item delivered into space by examining details from each material through the component to the overall system. Also provide suggestions for improvements to the developers and manufacturers and make independent assessment to ensure that the stringent quality standards set by NASA and JAXA are met. The knowledge and knowhow required to do this enable us to cater to companies involved in the aircraft industry and railway industry, for which extremely strict safety standards are in demand.

Software Independent Verification
and Validation (IV&V)
Software Verification and Validation should be conducted by an organization independent from the development activities for high-reliability and safety. Strong point of the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) is to detect problems the developers are likely to overlook especially in the earlier stage of development, which leads to cost reduction for reworking.

Space Experiment in “Kibo”
Kibo is a place to perform space experiment and you can use it for your space experiment. JAMSS is the only company in Asia that is executing all phases of space experiment.
Main Clients
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, etc