H-IIA rocket / Daichi No. 2 small satellite rideshare launch

The goal of the Akatsuki (PLANET-C), a Venus explorer, is to unravel the mysteries of the atmosphere on Venus using Japan’s planetary exploration plan, following Nozomi (PLANET-B), a Mars explorer. The explorer has five cameras that photograph the atmosphere on Venus using infrared, visible light and ultraviolet light. It is also equipped with a radio oscillator to observe vertical distribution, including of temperatures. The explorer will investigate the atmospheric flow and composition, and whether there is lighting or volcanic activity, while making an elliptical orbit around Venus about once every 10 days.
On May 21, 2010, the Akatsuki was launched using a H-IIA rocket-17. In addition to JAXA’s IKAROS, a small solar power sail demonstrator, four other satellites were also piggy backed onto the rocket (UNITEC-1 was be put into parking orbit around Venus and three other satellites were put into orbit around the Earth).