Based on the insulation material technology that is used for the fairings that protect a satellite during launch, GAINA is a light, thin insulation material with high durability against heat, thermal shock and shock loading, and in hot environments. With these high-insulation properties, it has been used for a wide variety of purposes, such as housing. GAINA is only 1-2 mm thick, but it has an insulating effect from -100℃ to +150℃. Potentially, it could become a new material that will contribute to global warming prevention.
Selling Agency: Nissin Sangyo, Inc

(Japanese) ライセンス(2005年度)
(Japanese) <特許>ロケットのフェアリング断熱材技術
(Japanese) 優れた形状保持性、耐熱性を有し、熱衝撃、衝撃加重、高温環境に対して強く、軽量で薄くても断熱性に優れ、自体が接着性を有し、塗装加工も可能であるフェアリング用断熱材の特許技術
(Japanese) ●「-100℃~+150℃」の断熱効果