Usage guide
01. Individuals/organization allowed to use these facilities
In addition to individuals/organizations related to the fields of space and air, private-sector companies, universities, research institutes and other entities that carry out general academic research, and research and development associated with science and technology can also utilize JAXA facilities.
02. Application for use
JAXA implements “regular user recruitment” twice a year based on its facility utilization program. (Deadlines are in early February and early September each year.) Based on the results of “regular user recruitment” and taking into account JAXA’s internal facility utilization plan, JAXA establishes or revises its annual utilization plans for its various facilities. In light of this, individuals/organizations that desire to use our facilities should, as best as possible, submit their application during the application period for “regular user recruitment.” However, even after the regular recruitment period has passed, only those applications will be accepted to utilize facilities with openings in the utilization schedule, and applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve base as needed.
03. Application method (in the case of routine applications)
Refer to the regular recruitment page to confirm what facilities are available for regular recruitment. Individuals/organizations that wish to use the facilities should fill out an application after confirming the application requirements for each division and department in compliance with the guidelines.
04. Application method (in the case of irregular applications)
1. Send the name of the facility that is a candidate for utilization, desired test details, desired use date, requests and details of consultations using the contact form. In the event that the individual/organization does not know what facility is candidate for utilization, send in requests and details of consultations using the contact form to the New Business Promotion Department. 2. The person in charge will get back to you. 3. Should the applicant be deemed a potential candidate as a result of coordinating with the person in charge, fill in the required items in the following user application form for facility utilization (also fill in the format for the test outline description in the case of applying to use the wind tunnel test facility), and send the filled out form to the address designated by the person in charge.
05. Flow for general usage

06. Precautions
・For consultations, contact us no later than one month prior to your desired use date, allowing for enough time in your schedule. ・In the event an urgent or prompt response is necessary, including the emergency repair of facilities, etc. or to conduct a survey to address an aircraft accident, in certain cases we make request a change in schedule. ・In most cases, normal procedures will be carried out for defense-related testing. However, there are certain cases in which you will be required to separately submit documents that state the purpose of the testing. In this case, a certain amount of time will likely be necessary to carry out these procedures so contact us as soon as possible. ・As of April 1, 2015, usage fees have been revised. Note that technical fees have been introduced.
07. Method for finalizing a contract
An agreement for the use of facilities is to be reached by signing a contract, or by issuing a letter of authorization for facility usage that stipulates the compliance with the general terms and conditions for use. In the event the contract amount is less than 10 million yen, it is possible to reach an agreement via a letter of authorization for facility usage as a stipulation for compliance to the general terms and conditions for use. In the event the contract amount exceeds 10 million yen or should the user or JAXA desires to do so, an agreement will be reached using a written contract. See the following links (URLs) regarding the general terms and conditions for use and the details of a standard contract used in an ordinary contract.
Feel free to inquire using the contact form if you plan to open up a new stage of business in space.